Prickly Bits

I’m a nice guy, really, I am.
… until you push the motherfucker button.

Herewith, for your entertainment and warning, a bullet list of my motherfucker buttons. These are merely summary statements; as you go digging (and I write), much more detail will come to light.

  • Speaking bluntly, I’m something of a bigot when it comes to hypocritical Christianity – particularly conservative, evangelical types of hypocritical Christianity.
    This is largely because sociopaths identifying as “Christians” have been beating me down pretty much my entire life. To hear it told, Jesus is light and love, but you sure as hell can’t tell that from looking at it from the outside.
  • I have very little patience for political naivite, and for those people who combine it with an ignorance of American history, political history, and/or human sociological behavior.
    The current situation did not coalesce as the result of a single Presidency, it’s the culmination of 250 years of history – and it’s not going to be fixed by a single Presidential term, a single President, or realistically, even within your lifetime. Get your head out of your ass and think bigger than the current-circumstance-butthurt reflection in your mirror.
  • Gatekeeping within the LGBTQ community is an item of particular annoyance.
    There is no single, right way to be gay, and furthermore, being exclusionary towards bisexual, transsexual, and queer identities when you yourself as a gay person were receiving the same sort of socially structured exclusion here as recently as 10 years ago is a fucking ugly look. Knock it the hell off.
  • Vaccines save lives, you motherfuckers.
    Yes, there are a few people for whom they cause potentially life-threatening problems but in total those people number in the overwhelmingly insignificant statistical minority – and those people need to be able to rely on herd immunity. As for the rest of you, I know you don’t like to be told to suck it up, but trust me, sweetie – getting vaccinated and possibly living for a few days with minor reactions is a better alternative than being dead. Do you really need this explained to you?
  • Living in abject fear of change is a monumental mistake with devastating results for yourself and those around you.
    You do not live in a bubble. The world and everything in it is in a constant state of change. Refusing to acknowledge and cope with that fundamental fact of existence only ultimately makes your fear and discomfort much, much worse. As you walk through the world on a path paved with the consequences of your actions, inactions, thoughts, beliefs, and interactions with others, you don’t just cause ripple effects; you cause a fucking maelstrom.
    Make it a good one.

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