On Legislating Morality
If you find it difficult to follow your interpretation of “God’s law” yourself, enacting it as civil law for EVERYONE to follow isn’t going to make it any easier on you. You’re just hoping that because more people are going to be breaking God’s law, you’re going to have a greater chance of getting away with breaking it yourself.
By your own belief system, you’re still going to answer to God in the end. What will you have gained? No matter how righteous you may feel now, you will still be deemed a sinner then.
Moreover, if you’re seeking to impose God’s law as civic law to enforce your own interpreted biases towards [trans/gay/immigrant/poor] people or women, you’re publicly expressing your lack of faith in your God, because you clearly don’t trust Him to pass judgment Himself.
Your relationship with That Which Is Divine is YOUR relationship. Not mine, not anyone else’s. It is up to YOU to determine the boundaries and manage them. This is the very MEANING of faith. If you require an outside authoritative mechanism to impose punitive consequences, you’re failing at it.